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Our Brands

Our story starts with a passion for circularity and a commitment to creating sustainable quality products. This has led us to create engaging brands with a clear mission to inspire change.
Designs and creates timeless garments from recycled clothes and sustainable fabrics.
blacktogrey was founded on our discovery of new sustainable manufacturing methods that both enhance the environment and respect the workers producing our garments.

In blacktogrey, we're building sustainable practices that require designing products from a fully circular and ethical mindset.
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We are a clothing brand that aims to promote a change in textile music merchandising through a commitment to sustainability.
Our purpose is to build a conscious community where people are inspired to participate in sustainable experiences around music. The brand is supported by the knowledge and the previous implementation of the best environmental practices throughout both the creative and industrial innovative processes.

This project has been inspired by the love and passion for music and sustainability
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Join the first circular fashion-sharing brand
Fling is a platform designed for people who want to buy fashionable and sustainable clothes, but do not wish to contribute to the Fast Fashion business and cannot find sustainable and trendy options at second-hand stores.
The future is shared!
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At Tangerine, we are aligned with the values surrounding family and tradition as a means to understand life on a deeper level.
Tangerine cares for people and nature. And we believe that style and beauty can be created consciously to reduce the negative social and environmental impact.

Our garments are designed to last over generations and withstand use over time. We achieve this by sourcing the finest materials, repurposing fabrics and partnering with the best ethical factories around Morocco.

Our pieces are a recreation of classic and simple silhouettes inspired by the narrative of our origins. The collections honor the beauty in imperfection in a unique, traditional and modern design perspective.
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Linen Brand

Circular Solutions for the Hospitality Industry
It's a collaborative project between Girbau and Hallotex to advance towards an ecological transformation to improve energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact in the hospitality industry with their linen products.
Coming soon...
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